Source code for zoonomia.operations

from zoonomia.tree import Node, Tree
from zoonomia.solution import BasisOperator, Solution

[docs]def build_types_possibility_table( basis_set, terminal_set, max_depth, grow_=False ): """This function returns a "types possibility table" which, for each depth :math:`d_{i} \in [1, ..., d_{max}]` gives the possible return types for a tree of maximum depth :math:`i`. See Montana1995. :param basis_set: The OperatorSet of basis operators which, together with *terminal_set*, satisfy the closure property. :type basis_set: zoonomia.solution.OperatorSet[BasisOperator] :param terminal_set: The OperatorSet of terminal operators which, together with *terminal_set*, satisfy the closure property. :type terminal_set: zoonomia.solution.OperatorSet[TerminalOperator] :param max_depth: The maximum tree depth from root to leaf. :type max_depth: int :param grow_: Whether to generate a table for the *grow* method. Default is to generate a table for the *full* method. :type grow_: bool :return: A lookup table which for index :math:`i` provides a list of all the possible return types for a tree of maximum depth :math:`i`. :rtype: tuple[tuple[type]] """ table = [set() for _ in xrange(max_depth)] for terminal in terminal_set: if terminal.dtype not in table[0]: table[0].add(terminal.dtype) for idx in xrange(1, max_depth): if grow_: table[idx].update(table[idx - 1]) for basis in basis_set: if ( all(dtype in table[idx - 1] for dtype in basis.signature) and basis.dtype not in table[idx] ): table[idx].add(basis.dtype) return tuple(map(tuple, table))
[docs]def full(max_depth, basis_set, terminal_set, dtype, objectives, rng): """An implementation of Koza's *full* tree generation strategy augmented to take type information into account. Returns a candidate solution satisfying the property that all branches of the solution's tree representation have path length from root to leaf equal to :math:`d_{max}`. See Koza1992 and Montana1995. :param max_depth: The maximum tree depth from root to leaf. :type max_depth: int :param basis_set: The OperatorSet of basis operators which, together with *terminal_set*, satisfy the closure property. :type basis_set: zoonomia.solution.BasisSet[zoonomia.solution.BasisOperator] :param terminal_set: The OperatorSet of terminal operators which, together with *terminal_set*, satisfy the closure property. :type terminal_set: zoonomia.solution.TerminalSet[zoonomia.solution.TerminalOperator] :param dtype: The return type of the resulting solution's functional representation. :type dtype: type :param objectives: The objectives that the resulting solution will be constructed with. :type objectives: tuple[zoonomia.solution.Objective] :param rng: A random number generator instance. :type rng: random.Random :return: A candidate solution. :rtype: zoonomia.solution.Solution """ if max_depth <= 1: node = Node(operator=rng.choice(terminal_set[dtype])) else: node = Node(operator=rng.choice(basis_set[dtype])) root = node depth = 1 parents = [node] while depth < max_depth: depth += 1 children = [] for parent in parents: for idx, t in enumerate(parent.operator.signature): node = Node( operator=rng.choice(terminal_set[t]) ) if depth == max_depth else Node( operator=rng.choice(basis_set[dtype]) ) children.append(node) tree.add_edge( edge=Edge(parent=parent, child=node, position=idx) ) parents = children tree = Tree(root=root) return Solution(tree=tree, objectives=objectives) # TODO: decouple Solution from Objectives?
[docs]def grow(max_depth, basis_set, terminal_set, dtype, objectives, rng): """An implementation of Koza's *grow* tree generation strategy augmented to take type information into account. Returns a candidate solution whose graph representation has maximum path length from root to leaf constrained to the interval :math:`[1, d_{max}]`. See Koza1992 and Montana1995. :param max_depth: The maximum tree depth from root to leaf. :type max_depth: int :param basis_set: The OperatorSet of basis operators which, together with *terminal_set*, satisfy the closure property. :type basis_set: zoonomia.solution.BasisSet[zoonomia.solution.BasisOperator] :param terminal_set: The OperatorSet of terminal operators which, together with *basis_set*, satisfy the closure property. :type terminal_set: zoonomia.solution.TerminalSet[zoonomia.solution.TerminalOperator] :param dtype: The return type of the resulting solution's functional representation. :type dtype: type :param objectives: The objectives that the resulting solution will be constructed with. :type objectives: tuple[zoonomia.solution.Objective] :param rng: A random number generator instance. :type rng: random.Random :return: A candidate solution. :rtype: zoonomia.solution.Solution """ if max_depth <= 1: node = Node(operator=rng.choice(terminal_set[dtype])) else: operator = rng.choice(basis_set.union(terminal_set)[dtype]) if isinstance(operator, BasisOperator): node = Node(operator=operator) else: node = Node(operator=operator) root = node depth = 1 parents = [node] while depth < max_depth: depth += 1 children = [] for parent in parents: for idx, t in enumerate(parent.operator.signature): if depth == max_depth: node = Node(operator=rng.choice(terminal_set[t])) else: operator = rng.choice(basis_set.union(terminal_set)[t]) if isinstance(operator, BasisOperator): node = Node(operator=operator) children.append(node) else: node = Node(operator=operator) tree.add_edge( edge=Edge(parent=parent, child=node, position=idx) ) parents = children tree = Tree(root=root) return Solution(tree=tree, objectives=objectives) # TODO: decouple Solution from Objectives?
[docs]def ramped_half_and_half( max_depth, population_size, basis_set, terminal_set, dtype, objectives, rng ): """An implementation of something like Koza's ramped half-and-half population initialization procedure. See Koza1992. :param max_depth: the max tree depth per individual. :type max_depth: int :param population_size: number of individuals in the population. :type population_size: int :param basis_set: The OperatorSet of basis operators which, together with *terminal_set*, satisfy the closure property. :type basis_set: zoonomia.solution.BasisSet[zoonomia.solution.BasisOperator] :param terminal_set: The OperatorSet of terminal operators which, together with *basis_set*, satisfy the closure property. :type terminal_set: zoonomia.solution.TerminalSet[zoonomia.solution.TerminalOperator] :param dtype: The return type of the resulting solutions' functional representations. :type dtype: type :param objectives: The objectives that the resulting solution will be constructed with. :type objectives: tuple[zoonomia.solution.Objective] :param rng: A random number generator instance. :type rng: random.Random :return: :rtype: frozenset """ counts = _random_depth_counts( max_depth=max_depth, population_size=population_size, rng=rng ) return frozenset( _ramped_half_and_half_generator( counts=counts, basis_set=basis_set, terminal_set=terminal_set, objectives=objectives, dtype=dtype, rng=rng ) )
[docs]def mutate_subtree(solution): """Perform subtree mutation on a solution, returning a new mutant solution. :param solution: A solution. :type solution: zoonomia.solution.Solution :return: A mutant solution. :rtype: zoonomia.solution.Solution """ raise NotImplementedError() # FIXME: implement
[docs]def mutate_node(solution): """Perform a point mutation on a solution, returning a new mutant solution. :param solution: A solution. :type solution: zoonomia.solution.Solution :return: A mutant solution. :rtype: zoonomia.solution.Solution """ raise NotImplementedError() # FIXME: implement
[docs]def crossover_subtree(solution_1, solution_2): """Perform subtree crossover between two solutions. :param solution_1: A solution. :type solution_1: zoonomia.solution.Solution :param solution_2: Another solution. :type solution_2: zoonomia.solution.Solution :return: Two mutant solution offspring. :rtype: tuple[zoonomia.solution.Solution] """ raise NotImplementedError() # FIXME: implement
[docs]def tournament_select(solution_1, solution_2, rng): # TODO: clean up docs """Perform multi-objective tournament selection between two candidate solutions. :param solution_1: A candidate solution. :type solution_1: zoonomia.solution.Solution :param solution_2: Another candidate solution. :type solution_2: zoonomia.solution.Solution :param rng: A random number generator instance. :type rng: random.Random :return: The solution which wins the tournament. :rtype: zoonomia.solution.Solution """ if solution_1 > solution_2: return solution_1 elif solution_1 < solution_2: return solution_2 else: # TODO: maybe make a more nuanced decision here? return rng.choice((solution_1, solution_2))
def _ramped_half_and_half_generator( counts, basis_set, terminal_set, objectives, dtype, rng ): for depth, count in counts.items(): for _ in xrange(count): if rng.getrandbits(1): yield full( max_depth=depth, basis_set=basis_set, terminal_set=terminal_set, dtype=dtype, objectives=objectives, rng=rng ) else: yield grow( max_depth=depth, basis_set=basis_set, terminal_set=terminal_set, dtype=dtype, objectives=objectives, rng=rng ) def _random_depth_counts(max_depth, population_size, rng): counts = {d + 2: 0 for d in xrange(max_depth - 1)} for _ in xrange(population_size): counts[rng.choice(counts.keys())] += 1 return counts